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Birthing Upward

Writer's picture: Sarah PoetSarah Poet

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

**I wrote this blog post exactly as-is in July 2022. I now see that we are "here" - to the time of the new structures and regenerative feminine base of creation!

RECORDING Dec 7, 2024

original painting of cosmic womb
"Birthing the New Cosmos" by Kellie Ahl, 2023

"Birthing Upward" - Energy dynamics of the creative process are changing.

Esoteric in nature, you can read this post as an "energy update" and ask yourself how it applies to your creativity, your masculine/feminine relationships, and organizational structure in new-paradigm businesses.

This week, in my meditations and client sessions, there has been a theme and a common vision - that of "Birthing upward." 

As I tune into this further, this seems to have to do with the way in which we are now optimally creating on the planet, having to do with feminine now leading the masculine. 

You can envision this by feeling into the following visuals. 

We are accustomed to "birthing downwards" on this planet. The masculine would impart the seed (of consciousness or creation) into the feminine. HE would do the giving (first), that would go into her (second), and then the formation of the creation (ex a human embryo, a business, or any other creation coming into form) would occur (third).

This view could be inherently patriarchal because there is a "top down" assumption. The masculine would impart the seed, wisdom, power, authority, etc, and it would go downward through the process. This is also the energetic of old system hierarchies itself, with an assumed top-down leader, usually male, who makes the decisions for the many and essentially determines the creation. As we know, sadly, this method of authoritative masculine actually stifles true creativity. This is why we are seeing a lot of organizational structures now giving teams time to collaborate on new creations - time to derive the idea and spend in the mess of creativity is actually a feminine energetic resurging.

Now, I will attempt to share with you what I am seeing with "birthing upward." Please keep in mind that ultimately, masculine and feminine unify as One, and yet, there are some energetics that are actively restructuring as our planetary energies realign and re-harmonize.

So I am not saying that "women are taking over" or that the "feminine will win" or anything absurd and polarized like that. But I am noticing a very big "counter" energetic occurring to the polarized world as it has existed, with the masculine initiating the creative process and the formation of the creations.

I see "birthing upward" not as the only way it is ever meant to be, but that this is a "shifting in polarity" so to speak as the earth is in the process of re-harmonizing. So this is likely taking place in the earth grid structure as well as in our human bodies, psyches, relationships, business formations, organizational restructuring, etc. 

Birthing upward does not start with the masculine, rather, it starts with the womb. The womb of creation is the infinite space into which the masculine seed of consciousness can be magnetized. We have been preparing Her to actually become the leading energetic source of what will now be created. 

Many of us women have been doing a lot of clearing of trauma, dense energy, miasma, patriarchal exchange energetics, and womb hijackings. The feminine has been energetically advancing its sovereignty, in women's bodies and in the earth grid. The womb energy of the collective is seemingly more clear than it has been in many thousands of years - potentially enough to cause this polarity shift, it would seem.

In a session with two men, a generation younger than myself, who are envisioning a collective and collaborative new business structure that is focused on community, I was intuitively guided to share with them this concept of "birthing upward." I was also guided (as in, I was channeling & communicating from their soul business creation information to them) to have them tune into the "womb space" on their body first. They were pointed toward acknowledging the presence and intelligence of this energetic center in their own male bodies. This would be required for their new leadership.

There was to be no "top down" leadership, though healthy masculine structure and consciousness were welcome and necessary. But hierarchical power structures were old paradigm and unwelcome, which these young men already realize, but their questions for the session were about what the new structures for organizational development look and feel like. 

Leadership in a new paradigm of business is an interesting inquiry. Do we let it go and have just shared leadership? Do we not have leaders? Was masculine leadership always wrong?

I think the answer to all of those questions is "no." Masculine clarity and decision making is necessary for running effective businesses, regardless of the gender expressing it. We also don't need men to fear their own leadership - and we need more men to be very comfortable in their expressed masculinity and we should never shame men for their attempts at leadership (rather hone the intelligence of it). However, as these young men are realizing, we will be restructuring organizational teams and redefining leadership in the near future to meet the needs of the people and planet - and what I am seeing is that these new ways of "birthing upward" will also be more profitable.

I was guided to share with them that the "fertile soil" of building from the ground up, which included engaging, optimizing, and celebrating the enthusiasm of all participants in the formation of what the leadership would build would be the "birthing upward" approach for the success of their business formation. 

Widening the vision again now with etheric metaphor, the womb of all creation is the fertile ground, no longer into which we will plant the seeds, but now, the fertile ground of the cosmic womb of creation (the feminine) will determine which consciousness to attract to it (the seed), thereby activating the birth of certain (new) creations. 

The womb is now attracting the seed of its own choosing with a certain magnetism. The cosmic womb (deep, eternal feminine) is now calling to it the light of consciousness (deep, eternal masculine.) From there, and this is the most significant part, the structure is forming. The feminine is magnetizing the consciousness that will lead to new structures. The feminine is attracting the consciousness of its choosing.

The collective will attract its new leaders. The people will determine our next direction. The womb will attract the consciousness - this is "birthing upwards."

Any person who is able to read and follow this does not see this as a "women flipping the power script" feminist agenda, rather, the delicate and powerful shift in polarity and honestly, an energetic directive, coming from the Holy Mother, and the Holy Father is ready and welcome to participate. The recalibration is in effect. 

If you are starting a new business based on a "soul calling" and would like to do a channeled session with the business entity itself, if you are looking at how to redesign leadership structures in your organization to make it more inclusive, or if you just feel the intuitive nudge - schedule a consultation with me at

DEC 7, 2024 - Get the Recording!

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