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Interdimensional Forces and Feminine / Masculine

Today I want to talk about interdimensional forces. This is information that I needed along my path that I had to figure out myself and I wish I had known who to talk to about this, how to name it, as well as how to deal with it. 

It’s something we sense but it’s difficult to name. 

This took years to navigate and discern, and of course, the topic is in and of itself nebulous and difficult to pinpoint because we’re talking about the unseen realms. I’ll do my best to give a brief conceptualization of it. 

What are interdimensional forces: 

Do you believe in angels? How about spirit guides? Archangels? Many spiritual people do, and many people like to call on the help of positive helpers in the spirit realms. Well, the spirit realms are interdimensional - they are in between dimensions of reality, or, throughout the dimensions of reality. Various “guides” may be stationed at various dimensional layers.  

God Source would not be an interdimensional force so much as the central force, the unifying force of all the dimensions. The way I conceptualize it is that the twelfth dimension is the place where Unity becomes actual reality - where the “God Realms” truly begin. A unified feminine & masculine, Mother and Father of Creation. Beyond that twelfth dimension are the Reishic fields - to unity and beyond! Anything below the twelfth dimension would be subject to that which is not unity, at this point in time, because certain “separations” exist in the field of energy that organizes all of this. 

Below the twelfth, unified dimension - a place that we can intend to connect to and be influenced and organized by, but not a place that we can really travel to or access fully as a human at this time - we have more disorder. Below complete unity we begin to experience impacts of separation. 

And spirit beings could be in any of the inter- or multi- dimensional realms. 

Some of them are beneficial or benevolent, and some of them are not. And no, not all negative or malevolent interdimensional beings are “low vibe” or hanging out in the lower dimensions. Some are very high frequency and still very negative. And, there are imposters that would have you believe they are beneficial, but they really are not. They go around in disguise, and if you aren’t claiming your sovereignty specifically in alignment with the unified field then your energy in your multidimensional spaces is unfortunately also up for grabs. 

So confusing, right? 

So therefore, spiritual discernment is key. Specifically stating your intent to 

  1. Connect into the unified field, where organic and original Creation energetics can organize and support you. 

  2. Align only to that which is Source-connected. 

  3. Receive support only from that which truly belongs to the unified Source fields and absolutely rejecting anything that is not of that alignment to your highest destiny path. 

  4. Receive guidance from the part of you that is connected to the sacred, whole geometries of Unified Creation. 

(All of these words are my own, I’m not referencing anything, so you can take it or leave it. No pressure to accept it. Sift it through your own sovereign filter and there you go.) 

What do negative interdimensional forces want: 

In a few words, negative interdimensional forces want to disrupt unity and unification from happening. 

Meaning, they do not want you to connect directly with Source, heal your own multidimensional lightbody, have energetic sovereignty, or have sovereignty over your own body. 

And they don’t want unity between humans, man and woman, masculine and feminine. They don’t want you to find your true beloved and experience divine union. They want to fuck with your life. 

They want to disrupt, ensure suffering, and make your life difficult so that you keep suffering instead of realizing liberation. 

Because they benefit from your energy. 

Plain and simple. 

You toil, they gain. 

This is the cause behind suffering, really, is the interdimensional hijacking and being separated from the energetics of unified potentiality. 

Interdimensional forces and masculine/feminine: 

This really impacts our everyday relationships between masculine and feminine, and between men and women. 

I would say that the roots of what I’m talking about, and the history of the planet, are the reason that we have these false-power paradigms like “patriarchy” in the first place. Patriarchy, racism, greed, over-consumption, and so on, would not happen unless there was a split in consciousness and a hijacking of power, including Nature’s power. Nature is the incorruptible example of true Creation. How Nature operates can’t be swayed by propaganda, threat, coercion or power. Nature is Nature. A tree grows toward the light, a mama bird finds the worm for her babies, and so on. All laws of Natures are your guide in how life really “should” operate. 

Nature doesn’t have a preference for masculine over feminine, and though I’m not making an argument for a flip to matriarchy, if we’re honest, Nature cares for the feminine first. Species in Nature make sure that the mother is cared and provided for. Maternal acts are much more respected in Nature than they are in human culture, because there is a deeper and innate honor for the mothering principle. 

So am I saying that it was interdimensional forces who caused the original dishonor of the feminine? 

Yes, yes I am. On the basis that this planet used to and could again operate within the Unified Field of energetics and the hijacking of those energetics meant that earth began to operate in a separation matrix. 

And the two places of original separation, the exact places that were “attacked” through these interdimensional forces, were the spaces between Human and God (the direct connection through all dimensional reality) and between feminine and masculine (and the unity of the two at every level of Creation, from human relationships to the Godhead itself.) 

Oh yeah, and they hijacked the earth grids too. 

Very unfortunately, when the power paradigm interrupted feminine and masculine, so much wounding and power grabs began to happen. And the power grabs are really energy grabs. Like, “Whose energy is it?” Does the feminine “belong to” the masculine because males were given positional power? Is feminine energy at the whim or disposal of anything that wants to use or consume it? 

And while we frequently in our culture look at what happened to women in patriarchy, let’s not think for a second that what is male and masculine wasn’t also hurt and corrupted. Imagine the program that must be running in the Great Separation experiment that has been Earth to get males and masculine to want to take from women without wholeheartedly replenishing? Imagine how separated most all men are from the true principles of Mother, Father, and Nature to even accept privilege or power-over dynamics that inevitably leave them lacking and wanting what is truly nourishing to their souls? 

And so, yes, every single one of us has been impacted by interdimensional forces with both positive and negative intent, and chances are that this is very much still happening on this very day, in this very moment. 

There are endless examples, really, of how interdimensional forces interrupt healthy union between masculine and feminine, from sexual misery (abuse) to consumptive programming (taking), to gender warfare, to turning loved ones against one another, and more. 

This is why it’s our responsibility to learn about this, claim our sovereignty from such forces, and make our way back to love. This requires strength previously unrecognized. If you are suffering from gender-related traumas, then yes, interdimensional forces are likely at play. 

**This is important, hence my use of not one but two asterisks. If you are experiencing repeated relational or financial problems, which perhaps have repeated also in your lineage, and you’ve tried traditional therapies and even non-traditional modalities and nothing has worked, it’s likely because there is a negative extra force at play or because this is a problem stuck in your morphogenetic (quantum) field that these other modalities can not get to.  The session-work I do with clients can help. 

How to tell what is what?? 

We are all healing from the traumas of separation. That’s a broad phrase, but that’s essentially the name of the game if we’re doing any kind of healing work at all. 

We are looking to heal separation. 

As a seeker, when I experienced deep traumas of separation, like child abuse in many forms and like losing a beloved, I just kept asking “why?” 

Why this pain? Why abuse? Why patriarchy at all? 

And time and again, as I went through the trauma healing modalities (10+ years), and the financial self-help (20+ years), and the spiritual and practical walk of feminine and masculine integration (10+ years), on and on, the answers to what was preventing true healing were interdimensional. 

It’s just like the separation matrix to tell you that if only you self-help a little longer, try a little harder, maybe you’ll find some relief. It’s such bullshit, actually. You have to realize that you’re in the abusive relationship with the separation matrix and then you can start learning the tools to get out of it. 

The answers are in the fabric of your reality. Literally within the quantum morphogenetic field of your being. And, significantly, it matters where your allegiance lies. 

The more you intend for a sovereign connection to God/Source (which will begin to resurrect the architecture of your energy field to a sovereign formation, over time), the less interdimensional interference there will be. 

If you don’t tell the burglar to leave your house, they might just think they have the right to enter. 

You are this house. And you are more than just a body. 

You are a direct extension of Source Creation. And YOU, yes you, are an instrument not only in healing the traumas of separation on the planet, but also in healing the energetic structure of the planet by claiming your sovereignty and your alignment with Nature/Source/Creation/God. (All the same.) 

This is your power. If you want to regain “power,” stop fighting arbitrary patterns of patriarchy and domination, because as you spin your wheels, you undoubtedly give power to negative interdimensional forces. That’s their game. Ever try to confront a bully and they laugh in your face? That’s what this is. You are so much better off to stop fighting against false structures of control and realign to the sovereignty of your own energy field, also claiming your space from interdimensional forces. 

As we do this, we heal beyond anything we’ll find in the self-help section. We will be awake in this planetary game. And ultimately, we’ll help to bring back the sovereignty of Unity to this planet. 

Hi, I’m Sarah Poet. A woman, mother and seeker committed to a journey of Sacred Remembrance, sovereignty, unity and love. I am happy to share what I’ve learned with you, which I do through writings, the Sacred Remembering Podcast and live women’s community, Quantum Multidimensional Healing, soul-led coaching, teaching and public speaking. Reach out to work with me at

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