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Sovereign Womb Gridwork Ceremony 3.9.24

Sat, Mar 09


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Impromptu, public grid work to honor and free forgotten feminine energy.

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Sovereign Womb Gridwork Ceremony 3.9.24
Sovereign Womb Gridwork Ceremony 3.9.24

Time & Location

Mar 09, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Link will be emailed.


About the event

Many of us have been doing a lot of work to clear the feminine lineage and return sovereignty to the woman, womb, and earth. The following is an invitation, a call, to ceremony. It is for the ones who feel that they are to answer the call, it is not for everyone. This is impromptu and coming from a real-time awareness that Mary Costello, Jennifer O Conghalaigh and Sarah Poet are having about the next steps in establishing the new, sovereign, planetary earth grid that supports the true evolution of life on earth. The womb must be sovereign in order for this to happen. Many of us have been diligent about womb sovereignty. Others are just coming to awareness, and we are all in this together. The old structures of the planetary grid were compromised and created circumstances where "woman" and "man" were placed against one another, vying for resources and power. There is some collective womb miasma that is ready to clear, yet requires acknowledgement. In referencing womb miasma, I am referencing the resources taken from women in relation to the womb - her blood, her children, her energy, her integrity, the womb itself, the diversion of its power, etc. It is time for us to move forward and we are. New planetary networks are being restructured, woman is anchoring into the sovereign soil and the grid of the gold frequency, the new masculine is arriving to help erect the structures of life on earth - it is very exciting. And, there is an honoring that must be done now. An acknowledgement of the bloodshed, the sacrifice, the endurance of the women who have come before us. If you feel a yes to participate, you are doing so for the health of the planet, the conscious collective, your lineage, and your life. You will be honoring and setting free entrapped, stolen, enslaved energy of Woman/Womb. Each person attending is Sacred, Sovereign, and Free. No one person's energy is at the whim of anyone else's. Show up sovereign. 2pm EST Saturday March 9, 2024. What to bring: If you are able, there is an invitation to bring a red rose and a bowl full of water. This water could be local water from a river or stream, and if you use tap water, all water is local water and that is fine. You will return these items to the water / Nature. You are also welcome to attend without these things and bring your intentions. How to prepare: There are no specific instructions in how to prepare. Be listening for the voices of the ancestors, and trust yourself in what you know is to be honored and freed from the women in your line, or for the women on earth. Come with an open heart. We will be talking about true and potentially intense topics, so please be prepared for that. We acknowledge the truth so that it can truly be honored and set free. All genders are welcome if you feel the call. We welcome men who honor the work of women to have all feminine energy sovereign and free. We rise together. In fact, the new earth grid depends on it. Reach out to Mary, Jen or Sarah with questions, and RSVP at the link below to receive the zoom link for Saturday 2pm. There will be no replay, this is a live event.


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